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Thursday, October 2, 2008


How do I hack?-
There is no easy way how to hack. Google is your best friend.. REMEMBER THAT! Read any information you can find on hacking. Read hacking forums and check out hacking websites. Learn a programming language like C++. Get a book like Hacking for Dummies which will teach you alot.

What do I need to be able to hack? -
Firstly you need to understand how your computers operating system works, networks and protocols works, security settings and general PC knowledge. After you understand how it works you need hacking tools which helps you to hack.

What is command prompt (cmd- the little dos Windows)? -
Go START, RUN and type in: "cmd"What can I do in cmd? - You can can do various things with it like run exploits or do a ping request.

Why does some of the hacking tools I download just close itself when I open them? -
Lot's of hacking tools are DOS based and has to be run through CMD. If you double click on the program it will open a DOS box and automaticly close the box. From CMD you can navigate to the directory which your hacking tool is stored in and run it from there. Other hacking tools are GUI ( graphical user interface ) based and it will open like a normal Windows based program.

What is a IP address? -
Every computer connected to the Internet or some network has a IP address. Goto START, RUN and type in "cmd" then type in "ipconfig" it will show you your IP adress or adresses. It will look something like this : IP = internet protocol.

How do I find someone's IP adress? - Look further down in this tutorial and use IPSTEALER

What can I do with a IP? -
Well you need someone's IP before you can hack, portscan or DOS them.

What is IP ping ? -
It's a command you can use to check if someone's IP address is online, to check it they connected to the Internet or a network. In command prompt type in "ping" - this will show you something like this : Pinging with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128Ping statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0msThat means you can succesfully PING IP which means the IP is online. If you get a message "request timed out" it means the IP is not online. Bytes=32 is the ammount of data which was sent to the host. Time<1ms is the time the host took to reply.

Why can't I ping a certain IP? -
Either the IP is not online/ in use or the person your trying to ping is running a firewall which blocks ping requests or maybe your firewall is blocking outgoing ping requests

What is IP? - It is your PC's local loopback IP address.

Why do I have two IP addresses when I do a ipconfig? -
Well if your on a local LAN (Local area network) you will have a IP like If your also directly connected to the internet you will have another IP address like is your local IP which you use to comunicate with your local internet network (lan) and is your internet IP.

What is a static and dynamic IP address? -
Static means permanent set IP address - like a website will have a static IP address, it never changes. Dynamic means temporary IP address - dailing up to the Internet with a modem or most ADSL connections has dynamic IP's. Everytime you logon to the Internet your ISP ( Internet Service Provider ) will issue you a new IP address.

I have sent someone a trojan but I cannot connect to their PC? -
Either they are running a firewall which blocks you from connecting to their PC, or they are connected to the internet through a router.

What do I do when someone is behind a router and I want to control their PC with a trojan? - You will need to use a trojan which uses reverse connections - meaning you don't connect to the host, the host connects to you. Bifrost is a trojan which has the mentioned function. Remember when someone is behind a router and your using IPstealer to get hold of their IP address, you are actually getting their routers IP, not their actual PC's IP. The router will have the persons internet IP (WAN IP) and their PC will have a difirent IP - their LAN IP.

How do I check if my own PC is infected with a trojan? -
Do a port scan on your PC and check which ports are open. If you find any open ports in this trojan port list you might be infected with a trojan. Download the trojan you think you might be infected with and connect to that specified port.

What is a router? -
A device which is used to route data on a network. a Router decides where certain traffic should be sent to.

What is a firewall? -
Its a software or hardware device which can block or permit certain ports or IP's or certain kinds of data.

What is a port and what can I do with it? -
Every program running on your PC which has some network function uses a specific port to send an receive data though. If you do a port scan you will see which ports are open on the host you scanned. Port 80 is normally a web server. Port 21 a FTP server ect ect.. Trojans also uses ports. Check this list of trojan ports, if you find an open port in this list, the host might be infected with a trojan, download the trojan and try connecting to the port.

How do I do a port scan? -
You need a program like superscan to do a portscan. Then all you do is add the ip you want to scan.Why do you want to scan ports? - If you scan a PC with a port scanner, it will show you which programs or services are running on the PC.Common ports:
Ping : 7
Systat : 11
Time : 13
NetStat : 15
SSH : 22
Telnet : 23
SMTP : 25
Whois : 43
Finger : 79
HTTP : 80
POP : 110

What is an exploit? -
It's a poorly coded piece in software which you can use to gain access to the system. There is many exploits available for the various MS Windows's out there.

How do I use a exploit? -
You first need to compile the exploit with a program like Bloodshed C++ compiler. Then you can start the exploit through command prompt and see if the system your trying to exploit is vulnerable to that specific exploit. Scroll down for more information about exploits.

What is a exploit POC? - POC stands for proof of concept and it the proof that a exploit works.

What is a DOS attack? -
It is when too much data is being sent to a host and it cannot handle all the data and disconnects from the Internet.

How do I see what connections is currently made to my PC? -
In cmd type in "netstat" - it will show you IP addresses of connections to your PC and what port it is using.

What is a MAC address? -
Its a hard coded number, almost like a name which is embedded into a network card. It identifies the manufacturer of the card and a unique number for the card. No two network cards in the world has the same MAC address.

How do I find out my own or someone else's MAC address? -
Your own MAC = Goto cmd and type in "ipconfig /all" MAC address looks something like this : 00-13-20-A3-0B-4CSomeone else's MAC address you need their IP address and then goto cmd and type in "nbtstat -a" or whatever IP they use. This will show you their MAC address as well as their currently logged on user.

What is a Windows Registry and how do I access it? -
Its where Windows stores most of the configurations of your operating system and most programs installed. You might used it to make a trojan server file you uploaded to the PC run automaticly when Windows starts up. To access the registry go START, RUN and type in "regedit"Carefull what you change in the registry, it might screw up you PC.. First make a backup of the registry.

How do I hack a webpage/ web server? -
Read the IIS hacking tutorial in the MISC download section on Windows Hacker. Remember not all webservers run IIS!

What is IIS? -
It is Microsoft's web server. IIS - Internet information server. Most webservers run on port 80.

How do I check if a website is running on IIS? -
Telnet to the website URL through CMD - "telnet 80"

What is telnet?-
Program which can be used to connect to remote computers or routers and to run commands by simply typing them in its window.

How do I hack into a Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail email account? -
Every now and then someone discovers a way to get into those email servers, but the service provider fixes the security hole so fast, there is no straight answer for that. Best way is to install a keylogger on the victims PC and get their login details. Otherwise download THIS program which you can use to brute force a hotmail account.

How do I hack into a POP3 email account? -
Hydra 5.3 is a program which you can use to crack POP3 accounts. You will need a wordlist which Hydra will use to crack the POP3 password.

What is a keylogger? -
It is a program you install on someone's PC which captures every key that is pressed on their keyboard which is emailed to you or stored into a file.

How do I get the administrator account password while logged in to the PC? -
Locally run a program like Adminhack for local administrator account cracking. If you need to do it remotely run a program like Venom or Starbrute.

What is a SAM file? -
SAM file is the file which stores all the user accounts and their password hashes like the Administrator account. SAM file is stored in "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config" but it is locked and inaccessable while you are busy using Windows - meaning you can't copy it while your in Windows. You need to boot up with another operating system like NTFSDOS or Linux with NTFS support. When you copied the SAM file you can crack the passwords stored in the SAM file with a program like LC5. With Pwdump6 it is possible to get access to the SAM file while logged into windows. It can also connect to a remote PC and grab the password hashes from the SAM file. Administrator account is needed.

How do I reset a administrator or some other account password on Win2K/WinXP/WinNT/Win2003? - Download Offline NT Password & Registry Editor which you can use to create a bootup disk or CD and then boot up the PC and then you can reset the password. Just remember that this program will not show you the password, you can only change the password.

How do I crack a administrator password? - If you need to crack a administrator password you will need to copy the SAM file to another machine and crack it. Download this NTXP-Cracker program which has included everything you need to boot up the PC, copy the SAM file and crack the SAM file on another machine.

How do I find out what operating system does my target run? -
Download Detect and use it against your targets IP address.
[*] XP/2K OS Detector [*]
[*] by: illwill & phr0stic [*]
[+] Finding Host
[+] Connected to
[+] Bytes Sent: 222
[?] The box seems to be Windows XP

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